Wednesday, January 30, 2013


                The image of myself (andyseed) was taken on a Monday at night on my mother's camera. The shadow of the ninja I used can be found at the URL:,r:37,s:0,i:285&iact=rc&dur=2533&sig=103807277558323107258&page=2&tbnh=175&tbnw=246&start=34&ndsp=44&tx=144&ty=85.
                      The selection techniques I used were the move tool to move to move the images of course. Another tool I used was the quick selection tool to select the ninja and not include the background. The next tool I used was the dodge tool after making a duplicate of my images so I could make and displacement map; meaning I made a new layer in 50% gray and overlay mode so I could make my displacement map on my shadow. Another tool I used was the burn tool and in pretty much the same way as the dodge tool. Next I used the free transform tool and the warp tool to alter the shadow of the ninja. Last I used the type tool so I could add some awesome text. Just to clear it up the blending tools used were the dodge and burn tool and the selection tools were all the others tool used in the exception of the type tool.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


The picture on the top is the original image and the one on the bottom is the new image. I put a minecraft tattoo on the man because I thought it would be funny. The tools I used were the warp tool to move the tattoo, the burn tool to add some shadows near the tattoo, and the dodge tool to add some lighting into the man. The easiest part was finding the tattoo itself and the hardest part was actually making it look like a tattoo.

Monday, January 28, 2013


So yet again I finished an assignment and forgot to save before turning it in. This assignment was rather complicated because, as of right now I appeared to have forgotten all the basics of the refine edge.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


The image above was rather easy to make but, it did take some time to think about what the next step ment. The tools used were the typetool and the move tool. The image was made from two different components one being the actual background and another was an altered version of the background that I made. If could have done anything differently it would have been making my name a little bigger.


This particular project was rather hard to make and took extreme amounts of thinking. One of the particular tools used was the custom shape tool which created the elegant flowers. The hardest part about this project was making the bottom part of the flowers (placed along the middle of the picture) transparent completely so anyone could see through it. If i could change one thing about this project it would be the colors of the white flowers because, white seems like an ugly color.

Friday, January 18, 2013

The asylum

The easiest part of this beautiful project was writing the words "THE ASYLUM." The hardest part of this project was making the circular light around the bed. I thought this project was pretty neat and it helped me learn how to make a normal man who is laughing and make him look like a psychopath.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


           This project was relatively easy but, even like that I forgot to add the vector mask for about fifteen minutes. The only tool I used was the paint brush tool which made the images blend as shown above. If I could change one thing about this project it would be remembering to add the vector mask layer.

Friday, January 11, 2013


The top image is the original image and the bottom image is my "improved" image. The tools used were the quick selection tool, and the refine edge tool. The hardest part was using the quick selection tool. The easiest part was using the refine edge tool to enhance the background and making the dog stand out. In conclusion I chose this image because, this dog looks exactly like my dog.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


This is the veggie guy that I made after all my hard work. The veggie man contributes of many different veggies and "fruits" which make up different parts of his body. The tool I used were the lasso tools, magic wand, crop tool, and the marquee tools. The hardest part about making the Veggie man was the eyes because, I made a silly mistake while making them. The easiest part was giving him the eyebrows because, I did it within ten seconds.